HEAR Now is the audio equivalent of a film festival for fans, performers and producers of contemporary audio story-telling in all its forms: live and scripted solo performances, multi-voiced performance, classic radio drama, experimental narrative, and much more.

This four-day Festival offers a multi-faceted program showcasing the many forms of audio fiction and sound art story-telling in theaters and other “listening” venues. HEAR Now presents audio fiction programs that exemplify traditions of craftsmanship, as well as aesthetic and technological innovation.

The 2017 HEAR Now Festival will again be a gathering place where the work of master storytellers is celebrated and shared.

Audio drama, audiobooks, recorded, and live story-telling -- sketches, poetry, spoken word -- alongside academic papers, juried competitions, and presentations on the physics of sound, as well as performance workshops, will round out this intensive listening event for the 2017 Hear Now Festival.

The following schedule is still ’under construction’ and subject to updates prior to June 6, 2017.
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Robert Alvey

Mark Twain Narrator Thursday 6/8 & Saturday 6/10

6/8: Presenting Twainitis Syndrome
Rob Alvey has a unique and uncanny resemblance to the elder version of Mark Twain and has performed original material on Mark Twain in humorous and entertaining lectures for charitable events over the last decade in NY. His commentaries include personal perspectives on being mistaken for Samuel Clemens as well as observations Mark Twain would make on today's society. Rob IS a scientist with the USEPA and an adjunct professor with York College in NYC.

6/10: Reading from Was the World Made For Man?
Robert selected this because, "I am a professional geologist and even teach geology at a NYC college part time. I am comfortable knowing someday I may be a fossil again."